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Oh no, a virus is infecting your organs and is spreading from cell to cell. The virus can mutate and evolve to spread even faster or to other organs. If it is not stopped in time, its actions may prove lethal...

You do not have to let this happen! With the might of your immune system at your disposal, you can deploy cytokines, T-cells, antibodies and antiviral drugs to fight back and defeat the virus!

To win, you have to contain the virus so it cannot spread sideways or downwards

Do this before the virus reaches the lowest row of cells! Good luck!


This game was developed in partnership with Arwen Altenburg, AJ te Velthuis and Ingrida Olendraite at Cambridge University and Princeton University.

You can find out more about their research at:

Some game design and all of the programming was done by me, Stephen Kyle.

The excellent artwork was produced by Ramon Cavalcante

Also available on

Development log

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